The Story of The Sixpence


We have all heard the saying, “Something borrowed, something blue, something old something new. But do you know the historical origins of this tradition? I thought it might be fun to share this little tradition with you!

A Sixpence was a coin used in the British Empire beginning in 1551. In the middle ages, the people were very superstitious. They believed that much of their life was controlled by evil spirits. Anything they could do to ward of those spirits was wise. They felt that those evil spirits were particularly present during rites of passage, such as weddings, so it was important to use good luck charms to keep the bride and groom safe on their wedding day. Any type of talisman from a horseshoe to a lucky coin was considered a good omen.

During the early 1600’s it was customary for the Lord of the Manor to give his bride a piece of silver as a wedding gift. This was symbolically represented by a sixpence coin. It later became a tradition to include a sixpence in the dowry that was given by the bride’s family to the groom. That tradition of the sixpence as a symbol of good luck continues today.

Some families have passed down the same sixpence through the generations to continue the hopes for good luck to future brides. Some brides seek out a sixpence minted in the year of their parents or grandparents wedding.

Whatever your something borrowed, something blue, something old or something new may be on your wedding day, Good luck to you !

Sandy Verkerk